Friday, 14 September 2007

What is Web 2.0 anyway?

Good question, & I'm only bluffing my way around the topic myself!

Here's Wikipedia's current take on it:

"the phrase Web 2.0 refers to a perceived second generation of web-based communities and hosted services — such as social-networking sites, wikis and folksonomies — which aim to facilitate collaboration and sharing between users."
My own view has been slightly simpler - I see Web 2.0 as a development where the previous boundaries between writers & readers have become blurred.

The original World Wide Web was, & still is, a democratising & empowering phenomenon because it allowed anyone (well, almost anyone) to become a writer, a producer of content. But it was still very much one-way: a single person, or a small team of people, creates a web page, & the rest of us are merely visitors. In Web 2.0, although there's still a place for passing visitors, the point is to get involved - to produce, as well as consuming.

I see blogs as a transitional stage; not all allow readers to comment, & even those that do, have the comments tucked away, requiring an extra click to access them, & un-searchable. Nevertheless, blogging is a significant advance - Web 1.5, perhaps - because it generally treats readers as almost equal particiapants in the process. I'm a hesitant explorer of new territories compared with many of my colleagues, yet even I've had a blog for almost four years, which suggests it's hardly cutting edge any more!

As far as social networking is concerned, my MySpace page is more recent (June 2005) & I only joined Facebook this year. The proliferation of new Web 2.0 stuff with funny names shy of a few vowels (Flickr) or idiosyncratically punctuated ( only just starting to impinge on my day to day activities. This blog will partly be a record of my journey into Web 2.0, though given my caution, it's quite likely to be Web 3.0 by the time I get there!


Daydreamer said...

Thanks, Bluefluff, for your explanation of Web 2.0 and long may Bluefluff 2.0 reign :]

Sarah H-F said...

Nice shiny new blog, Lynne! Another to add to my lovely little Google reader...

Hazeofpink said...

Aha! So that's what it's all about! Thanks for the lesson Lynne :-) Only just caught up in here!!! LOL